There is an ironic truth in the management complaint that computers have made the business so complex that if the power goes off or the information technology freezes up, everybody may as well go home. It has come to pass that we are so deeply invested in computers to operate on a daily business that we can not continue to operate without them. While this is literally true in many manufacturing and financial sectors, it is also beginning to be the state of affairs for nearly every company, and highlights the need for systems management software.
In the days before the information systems tidal wave, managers still made decisions based on information. Certainly the information was lower in volume and less sophisticated, but it was relevant information the manager could use to operate his business. The advent of computers allowed the manager to widen the pool of data he could tap into and therefore make his decisions more accurately and confidently. As this ability has progressed, the dearth of information has turned into a flood.
Not only is the business of manufacturing a goldmine of data, but even how we find, hire, manage and motivate our workforce is the subject of mountains of information. The process of garnering this information, however, has become an enormous task outside the normal skill set of management. Increasingly we find businesses outsourcing portions of, if not the entire process.
This is not to imply that any manager would wish to have less information, far from it. It is that the effort to gain usable, decision-making understanding from the data has been overcome by the methodology for garnering the raw data from which it is distilled. Information carries with it nuances that help determine its meaning in the form of the entering arguments for the collection process. This is the age old recognition that how one asks a question influences the answer to a degree. With the manager expending so much time in collecting reference points and measurements, there is little left to consider the purpose and possible alternative collection means.
The reason information systems became such an integral part of business is their ability to enhance the decision making process. When the use of the system becomes so cumbersome and time consuming that it cuts into the time a manager has to explore data and make operational decisions, it has stopped enhancing the business. The complexity of our tools is rapidly becoming more problematic than running a business without them. While there is certainly reason to expend energy training management on new tools and software, it should not continue to erode their time on a day to day basis.
It is the essence of management to see the bigger picture, to make the decisions that will not only allow for the day to day business to get done, but to have a solid feel for what needs to be done to stay in business tomorrow. These two aspects of leadership conflict with a critical element of the reality of management, balancing time requirements. To that end, information systems were initiated to allow the manager greater access to information more quickly. While this has been a success, the data has become increasingly complex, and more and more time is eaten up processing it.
If a business is in the manufacturing industry, management does not want or need to spend its time gathering and inputting data about the supply chain, constructing statistical process control charts, or gathering data on trends in the demand for their product or the prices of their supply chain. What they need is that data collected for them by an automated system that collects and collates the information and packages it in a readily identifiable format and delivered to their desktop before the day begins.
Allowing the manager to spend their time using the data is the goal of information technology, and that means that while they need to understand what and how information is selected for their use, they need to be able to rely on data that is collected and provided to them as they need it. If new data geographic information is useful in determining which stores need more or less product, then they need a means to tell the computer to collect it for them. Systems management software provides the means for management to go from slave to the machine to leader of an industry.
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